ČUDOVITA GESTA BRIVCA: En dan v tednu posveti brezplačnemu friziranju brezdomcev (VIDEO)


Brivnica v Aucklandu en dan v tednu posveti striženju las mestnih brezdomcev. Caleb Heke in njegovi kolegi pri Kirkwood's v Mt Wellingtonu se že dve leti približujejo ljudem na ulicah, jih brezplačno uredijo ter tako jim tako omogočijo boljše počutje.

"Resnično sočustvujem z ljudmi, ki so tam zunaj na ulicah in želim samo slišati njihove zgodbe. Želim slišati, od kod prihajajo," je dejal Heke. Njegova dejanja so še posebej spremenila življenje družini, ki se je ponovno srečala s sinom brezdomcem, potem ko je na spletu odkrila videoposnetek, na katerem mu Caleb ureja pričesko, poroča 1News.co.nz.

@caleb_heke Meet Leon,On the streets for 18 years,Leon’s life started to fall apart after Leon and some friends shoplifted and he was sent off to the now closed whakapakari youth trust camp on Great Barrier island.From there, it was onto Jail and a life on the streets. With no support along the way, Leon’s life followed a path of brokenness that I find with most of the less fortunate. Suffering from severe gout and living under a building entrance, we @kirkwoodsbarbers were able to bring a bit of Joy to Leon by getting him some food and freshening him up.Try each day to leave a positive impact on someone, sometimes all someone needs is a smile ! #fyp ♬ original sound - Caleb Heke

@caleb_heke Meet Singh. Singh is originally from Fiji. After all of his loved ones had passed away in his home country, Singhs grandmother brought him to New Zealand for a fresh start. Singhs ID was stolen, this prevented Singh from being able to access support systems and housing. The night before we met Singh, he was brutally assaulted for no reason and hence, decided to relocate to sleeping at a church where he now feels alot safer. Singh had been cutting his own hair so was extemely grateful to receive a haircut from me. A great guy and a good yarn, Godbless you Singh! @kirkwoodsbarber #homeless #homelessness #love #charity #poverty #Auckland #help #community #donate #homelesslivesmatter #nonprofit #streetphotography #support #volunteer #helpingothers #homelessnessawareness #photography #homelesspeople #NewZealand #coronavirus #street #endhomelessness #giveback #art #food #bnw #hope #life #humanity #mentalhealth ♬ original sound - Caleb Heke

@caleb_heke Meet Adrian,A disagreement over custody between his parents lead to Adrian spending over 18 years on the streets. Adrian is an OG on the street scene, and does what little he can to teach those new to the streets about how to survive.The only times Adrian has had to endure jail is when he is reported on multiple occasions asking for donations. Adrian said street people are assaulted at night for no reason and he just wants to be accepted and not judged.Adrian has strict rules about what to do to earn money and says “as long as whatever you do does not impact another person” And is not illegal, it is acceptable.”Adrian and his “street brothers” stay together and wash windows and collect donations. For the first time in 18yrs, Adrian is looking to be moved into transitional housing. Adrian stated to us, “I want to be able to leave a positive impact on the world, even if it’s just a smile”.We here @kirkwoodsbarbers wish Adrian all the best. ❤️???????????? We donate from our own pockets @countdown_nz and @thewarehousenz gift cards and item. Tag them if you think they could give us a hand. ???? #fyp #barber #auckland #homelessness #community ♬ Music Instrument - Gerhard Siagian

Družina svojega sina ni videla ali slišala več kot pet let. Njegov oče je odpotoval iz Whangāreija, da bi se srečal z brivcem. "Stopil je naravnost do mene in vprašal: 'Caleb?' Odgovoril sem 'ja', nato pa je samo planil v jok in rekel: 'Ti si ostrigel mojega sina'." Caleb je tako pomagal ponovno združiti družino.

"Ni besed, ki bi opisale, kako sem se počutil. Ne vem, ali sem bil žalosten ali vesel, to so bila le silna čustva," je povedal Caleb. Zanj je bila to le majhna gesta, ki pa je naredila veliko razliko za vse vpletene.

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