Na posnetku, ki ga je ujela kamera v policijskem avtomobilu vidimo devet ljudi, ki izstopijo iz avtomobila znamke Škoda octavia. "Vedno pričakujemo nepričakovano, ampak to nas je res presenetilo," so o dogodku dejali policisti.
KOMIČNI PRIZOR, KI GA POLICISTI NISO PRIČAKOVALI: Poglejte, koliko ljudi je izstopilo iz avtomobila (VIDEO)
Nedavno so angleški policisti zaustavili avtomobil znamke Škoda octavia. Ko pa so iz njega začeli izstopati ljudje, so bili možje v modrem zares šokirani. V avtu jih je bilo namreč kar devet.
Poleg voznika in sovoznika spredaj, se jih je pet trlo na zadnjih sedežih, dva pa v prtljažniku.
The moment we find NINE people in an unroadworthy, uninsured SkodaWe always expect the unexpected when we stop a vehicle… But this one took us totally by surprise ???? NINE people in an uninsured, unroadworthy Skoda Octavia. It was stopped in Norton, Malton, during our targeted deployments for UN Global Road Safety Week ❌ The driver (not shown in the footage) was carrying one passenger up front and five on the back seat. Officers then found two more women in the boot! ❌ The car was uninsured. ❌ The front tyre was so badly worn the inner cord was exposed. ❌ Two of the doors didn't open. If it had been involved in a collision, the consequences don't bear thinking about. It would have caused utter carnage. ✅ Vehicle seized. ✅ Driver reported for dangerous driving and having no insurance. ✅ Taxi(s) for nine. ⚠ We're continuing our targeted road safety deployments throughout the summer and beyond, to keep everyone safe and take illegal drivers and vehicles off the road.
Objavil/a North Yorkshire Police dne Sreda, 26. maj 2021
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